Tuesday 1 May 2012

001 - Starting The Journey

It's May the 1st 2012. What better day to begin a four month masters project in the realms of 3D Design for Virtual Environments?

I allowed myself one week off after we all handed in our last coursework. To be honest I've found it hard to relax and wind-down without thinking what project/s I could be working on next.

I intend to keep track and log the progress of this project via this blog. Whether that takes the form of the written word, video posts, images or interviews etc I'm not sure yet. However at the end of this journey I want to be able to look back and see how it was shaped, how it all came together.

I only get to do this once, so I want to do it justice.

Today has been spent watching a plethora of animated shorts and short films. Purely to fire me up and provide some inspiration. I found the recent Oscar winner for 'Best Animated Short', entitled 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore'.

It was simply amazing. Without going into too much detail I loved how it delicately balanced humour and tragedy plus the ending tied the whole piece together fantastically well. Totally deserving of the award.

I'm also doing some research into writing for short films and trying to brainstorm some ideas for the final project. I think one of the first challenges will be to write a complete script with scene breakdowns. I've found some really helpful advice online, currently I'm reading 'Script writing for short films: A Practical Guide In 8 Steps' by Stuart Hepburn. 'The Writer's Block' has always come in handy too for generating ideas.

I don't know if I'll post on this blog everyday, but I'd like to keep it as updated as humanly possible. Also not sure whether I should publish the posts as I go or keep them private then release them as a whole finished piece of work.

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